This blog will help you keep up with what new creations I have made that day or week! If you see something you like, you can contact me via email and I can give you a price. Enjoy yourself and visit me often! You can also view my work on look for kim88rocks in the search engine. I can also be seen on facebook and take messages on there as well. KEEP SCROLLING DOWN TO SEE MORE PAINTINGS! THIS BLOG IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!
Welcome to my blog
This is a place to see my art and you can contact me for custom made pieces. I can be reached via email at or purchase pieces on and you can find me under kim88rocks! Enjoy seeing new pieces when I create them I will post.
This is me
Kim's little website!
Benefit night for Juvenile Arthritis
Two paintings up for auction sept. 22
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
New mixed media funky lil flowers for sale...believe..believe in yourself...
New work is going up at the NUANCE STYLE HOUSE BOUTIQUE! I also have new work on and have been selling stuff through commissions. Check out the new stuff! Funky ...girlie and fun!!!